insrt NFTs
insrt's in-house series of finance utility NFTs
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insrt's in-house series of finance utility NFTs
Last updated
The insrt NFT mint is the best way to get involved in insrt finance as a user, methodologist, a shitposter, a femboy, or, simply, a fren. A total collection of 1000 NFTs featuring 10 unique insrt artworks and 5 NFT tiers (common, uncommon, rare, legendary and unique tier) that will provide varying degrees of the benefits mentioned below.
Get yours at: Dawn of Insrt
Once the INSRT token is live, all users will be able to stake their tokens to earn protocol fees. Token stakers that also own a Dawn of Insrt NFT will activate an additional multiplier for INSRT reward earnings.
Simply put: holders of an NFT with rarity of ‘Uncommon’ or higher will benefit from insrt’s protocol revenue by unlocking enhanced yield on their INSRT token positions.
As insrt rolls out new product lines, there will be limited space for participation initially. We’d like our NFT holders to have priority access to each of our new products going forward. In regards to the ShardVault, we will start by reserving 50% of each vault’s supply for NFT holders to acquire first, tapering down upon subsequent ShardVault launches.Since the first ShardVault features just 100 shards, there will be 50 slots total reserved for NFT holders; those slots are first come first serve. Fret not, as there will be more ShardVaults that we will continue to launch (including expansion to more bluechip collections 👀). As we expand our products beyond Shards, NFT holders will maintain their early access.
NFT holders will incur less fees across all of insrt’s product lines, based on the tier of their held NFT:
Every member of the insrt community that is holding a Dawn of Insrt NFT is entitled to Governance Rights due to the tokens that will be airdropped to them.Additionally, each ‘Legendary‘ Dawn of Insrt NFT is allotted 0.125% control of every future proposal. Each ‘Unique’ Dawn of Insrt NFT is allotted 0.5% control of every future proposal.