Ⓜ️How To Use $MINT?

πŸ”— Step 1: Access the Perpetual Mints Platform

  1. Visit the official Perpetual Mints website.

  2. Connect your digital wallet by selecting "Connect Wallet".

πŸ“Š Step 2: Dive Into Your $MINT Dashboard

  1. Find the "$MINT Dashboard" on the platform.

  2. Here, you'll see your $MINT balance and avenues where it can be utilized.

πŸ’‘ Step 3: Minting with $MINT

  • Click on the "Mint with $MINT" option.

  • Choose the assets or experiences you wish to mint.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the minting process.

πŸ”„ Step 4: Claiming $MINT

  1. Navigate to the "Claim $MINT" section.

  2. Follow the guided steps to claim your $MINT tokens.

🌐 Step 5: Converting $MINT to ETH

  1. Visit the "Exchange" section on the platform.

  2. Select the $MINT to ETH conversion option.

  3. Follow the prompts to complete the conversion.

Last updated